One-day Compliance Training
Event Start
22/11/2019 · 09:00
Event End
22/11/2019 · 17:00

IGCC and the Alliance for Integrity are offering a free one-day training on compliance and anti-corruption on 22 November in Pune for SMEs.


The Indo-German Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Alliance for Integrity offers you the chance to receive a training on compliance and corruption prevention on Friday, 22 November 2019 in Pune.

The programme addresses the following points:

  • Definitions. What is corruption and what types of corruption exist?
  • Relevance for the own company. How is my company affected by corruption? Corruption prevention based on practical examples.
  • Risk factors. Presentation of typical risks and possible measures to reduce them.
  • Potential solutions for critical situations and prevention measures. How do I behave in critical situations? What are essential components of an ethics and compliance programme? What needs to be considered when choosing business partners? Which advantages can collective action bring?

The main target group of the one-day session are representatives from SMEs with limited experience in implementing an effective corruption prevention system. The training venue will be announced soon.

Participation is free of costs. Please register via the link above. For additional information, please contact the Alliance for Integrity at