Trade Fair
DMEA 2024
Event Start
09/04/2024 · 00:00
Event End
11/04/2024 · 00:00

DMEA is Europe’s leading digital health conference and trade fair. Each year experts and decision-makers from every area of the healthcare sector – including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives as well as experts from politics, science and research, meet here in Berlin. With a new record - more than 700 exhibitors and over 16,000 participants - DMEA 2023 was a real success.

The next DMEA will take place from 09 to 11 April 2024.

For information on Berlin Fairs, contact Ms Tanu Ailawadi at 011 47168822 (tanu.ailawadi(at) or Norma Xavier at 022 66652142 (norma.remedios(at)