Business Event
Chamber Events
Labour Law and Regulatory Tax Compliance
Event Start
28/07/2022 · 15:30
Event End
28/07/2022 · 17:30

The Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC), together with its Knowledge partner Roedl & Partner Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is organizing a seminar on the topic “Labour Law and Regulatory Tax Compliance” to highlight the Changes in Indian Labour legislations and implementation thereof and the importance of tax as a function in the organization - both from direct and indirect tax perspective.

Event Details 
Date and Time: Thursday, the 28th of July 2022 – 3.30 pm onwards
Venue: Chennai 

With the objective of simplifying the Labour laws, the Central Government of India proposes to subsume 29 labour legislations into 4 labour codes. As labour law is a  matter of concurrent list, both Union and State governments shall have to frame the rules. The Central Government has already published its rules and several States have also published the draft rules for public comments. Therefore, businesses are expected to start aligning their HR policies with the New Labour Codes.

Day by day markets are growing closer together and new business areas and forms of cross border cooperation are being created. This involves a host of new legislation and regulations in tax law. The area is ever more complex and specialisation more necessary than ever before.

Roedl & Partner team would give an insight of the significant changes under the labour law regime and provide you inputs on implementation of the amendments under the tax ambit. The close knit inter­action with our experts is thus a decisive factor for your success.

We cordially invite you to participate with us as the Roedl & Partner team cover the below topics comprehensively :

Labour Law:

  • Insight of the significant changes under the labour legislations.
  • Preparation and planning corporates need whilst pending implementation of labour codes.
  • How the new Labor Code would affect workers and factory owners.

Regulatory Tax Compliance:

  • Impact of FEMA on your business
  • Accounting & Monthly tax Compliances
  • GST - Where do we stand


3.30 pm 


4.00 pm

Welcome Address by IGCC

4.05 pm

Keynote Address by Roedl & Partner

5.05 pm

Q&A Session

5:20 pm

Vote of Thanks and Closing remarks

5.25 to 6.00 pm

High tea & Networking

Participation is complimentary; however, the invite is for registered guests only.

In case you cannot attend, please nominate someone relevant from your team to do so. As we have limited seats, only 1 person per company is welcome to attend.

Please send your RSVP to Ms. B.S. Ramya  at by sharing the below details:-

  • Name: 
  • Designation:
  • Company name:
  • Email Id:
  • Mobile number (optional):

We look forward to having you with us!
Your Team IGCC

Ms. B. S. Ramya

Ms. B. S. Ramya
