Event Presentations

Event Presentations - Solar Energy (incl. CSP) for Self-Consumption for Industrial Customers

Company Presentations:

Solarlite CSP Technology GmbH: Dr. Joachim Krueger, Mr. Yuvaraj Pandian
Solarlite Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) Energy – Technology and Applications

Protarget AG: Mr. John Mitchell, Technical Director, Mr. Martin Scheuerer, Commercial Director
Solar Process Heat and Waste Water Treatment

IBC SOLAR Energy GmbH: Mr. Jose Maria Llopis
International Development of Large-Scale PV Plants

CRB Antriebstechnik GmbH: Mr. Liuzhao Cai
Energy solution from one hand

nrg4.you GmbH: Ing. el.tech. Mag.rer.nat. Wolfgang Schmittner, CEO
Sustainable Energy Solutions

Baden-Wuerttemberg international GmbH: Ms. Christina Ruffert
energy solutions – made in Germany

Expert Speaker Presentations:

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO): Dr. Anil Misra, National Project Manager, UNIDO
MNRE-GEF-UNIDO Project - Promoting business models for increasing penetration and scaling up of solar energy

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI): Dr. Ashvini Kumar, Senior Director
Policy Framework and Market Development: Solar Market in India

Indo-German Energy Forum (IGEF) Support Office: Tobias Winter
Indo-German Energy Relations

German Aerospace Center (DLR): Dr. Jürgen Dersch
Concentrated Solar Thermal Technologies

BSW Bundesverband für Solarwirtschaft (German Solar Association): Mr. Thomas Rudolph, Speaker, PV Working Group policy and communication
German solar PV Market


NOTE: PDFs of all presentations will be uploaded shortly.