Chamber News

Diotec Semiconductor AG Celebrates 50-Year Anniversary


- Founded February 22, 1973 in Heitersheim
- Employs 300 world-wide
- A leading manufacturer of discrete semiconductor devices
- Headquarters in Heitersheim, Germany

Paul Bauer, Ulrich Geisler, and Bernd Kelpe came up with the idea of a company/partnership to manufacture and distribute electronic components in February 1973. A former printing house in Heitersheim, South Baden, Germany, was the first production facility for Diotec Semiconductor AG. Today, Diotec employs 300 people worldwide, has branches in Slovenia, India, and China, and a global distribution network with offices in Europe, Asia, and North America.

As Diotec began in the seventies, it produced bridge rectifiers for ITT, with whom it had a special relationship, and many of its employees got their start there. When passivated rectifier chips were introduced in 1989, it became possible to conduct measurements directly on the non-planar chip, thereby determining a chip's quality before assembly. This rapid adoption of plasma technology, which had only been developed months earlier, has provided Heitersheim's ChipFab with the opportunity to eliminate chemical waste.

During 2009-2011, Diotec was the market leader in Europe for axial Schottky bypass diodes. Research conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg played a crucial role in the development of the solar market, which required particular bypass diodes for the PV-modules. After developing solar-specific technology, we quickly became the market leader. Today, our flexibility, combined with rapid delivery times, set us apart from our competitors and allows us to respond to customer needs and changing market conditions.

Three innovations are credited for Diotec's strength: its measurement electronics, which is used in over 100 Diotec testing systems worldwide, its ERP software, which coordinates the logistics of all Diotec branches, and its equipment.

Currently, Diotec offers discrete semiconductors in industry-standard packages suitable for industrial, energy, mobility, lighting, and consumer circuits. Customers save money, time, and raw materials with exciting new developments. For example, the SM4000 rectifier diode is ideal for input rectification of devices directly connected to a utility grid at 4000 volts.

These might include intelligent smart meters, LED street lights, and 4G/5G base stations, all of which need to be designed for high surge immunity that exceeds the capacity of most available components today. "We developed the SM4000 precisely to close this gap", says Udo Steinebrunner, product manager at Diotec. "The SM4000 further illustrates how flexibly we can react to the market."

The 50-year-anniversary will be marked by celebrations throughout the year, the kick-off being a reception in April at the new production site in Heitersheim's Tiergarten Strasse 15. Festivities for employees in all four locations will follow in the summer, as well as a distributors' meeting in fall.

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