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First Batch of Supply Chain Due Diligence Manager Training for the Automotive Supply Chain


From 5 May 2022 to 31 May 2022, the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with amfori, conducted the Supply Chain Due Diligence Manager Training for companies operating in the automotive supply chain.  

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG) is set to be enforced on 1 January 2023. German companies operating in India and Indian companies supplying to Germany are likely to be required to perform supply chain due diligence that incorporates their business operations and that of their suppliers.  

With the date coming closer, the IGCC SustainMarkets conducted the first batch of the hybrid Supply Chain Due Diligence (SCDD) Manager Training to support companies in India with their SCDD requirements. In line with SustainMarkets’ commitment to offering industry-focus, locally customized training based on German standards, the training was created for businesses operating in the automotive supply chain, focusing on practical knowledge to support the regulatory requirements by covering local issues, case studies, and examples to address the complexity of the Indian market.  

The training converts the regulatory requirements of the SCDD Act into skill-based training that management-level professionals can benefit from. The training curriculum was developed using the “By Companies, For Companies” approach with the input of over 50 working professionals at the centre of its development.  

We received a remarkable response to SCDD Manager Training. A total of 33 professionals completed the training successfully.  

The training was conducted within the “Growing with Responsibility” Initiative implemented by IGCC SustainMarkets in cooperation with the Business Scouts for Development programme commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).