After the Bundestag’s elections in September 2021, the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom invited representatives of German organisations to reflect on the elections and their implications for India over a German breakfast. Motivated by the event’s success, the Indo-German Chamber and the Naumann Foundation decided to continue these Saturday breakfast events and bring together the German community 3-4 times a year.
12th March, 2022
Samstagstreff, about 40 people came together on 12th March 2022 in the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce garden (Delhi) for an informal exchange about the issues relevant to the community. After a brief welcome address by Sonia Prashar, Deputy Director General of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Carsten Klein, Head of the Regional Office South Asia of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Dr. Laila Abu-Er-Rub of the M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies ‘Metamorphoses of the Political’ (ICAS:MP), Clemens von Reyher of the EDAG Production Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. and Ulrich Storck of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, India Office introduced themselves and the work of their organisations as well as particular challenges their organisations face in India. This set the tone for the subsequent informal discussion over breakfast and drinks.
21st May, 2022
About 40 people came together for the second edition of the Samstagstreff (Saturday meetup) on 21st May 2022 for an informal exchange about issues relevant to the community. After a brief welcome by Dr. Carsten Klein, Head of the Regional Office South Asia of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Nadja Dorschner of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Stefan Leser of the Groz-Beckert Asia Private Ltd. and Dr. Matthias Kiesselbach of the India Office of the German Research Foundation introduced themselves and the work of their organisations as well as particular challenges their organisations face in India. This set the tone for the subsequent informal discussion over breakfast and drinks.
The next event in the Samstagstreff series will take place in August. Please note that the event language will be in German.